Pine Ridge Steading
Pine Ridge Flower Essence
I became intrigued with Flower Essence about 20 years ago when attending the Back to Basics event in Pine River. I wish I remembered who the vendor was, but regardless, I was inspired and I went on to learn more.
I've been studying and collecting Flower Essence for about 15 years now. I have been collecting flowers that I grow and wild craft in this area since 2016.
Here is an excerpt from Alaskan Essences; Flower essences carry the life force, energy or energetic imprint of flowers. They are NOT essential oils and do NOT contain any physical material. The energy of the flowers communicates / resonates with our energy, as we are energy ourselves as well.
Flower essences can be used for:
spiritual insight and development
understanding your emotions and thoughts, giving inner balance and peace
change thoughts that are not serving you
inner growth, better understanding of your life
insight in problems and difficulties, being able to handle them or letting go
In summary, whenever emotions or thoughts are out of balance, flower essences can be helpful. For example if you have a certain fear, then you actually have a lack of courage. Flower essences can help you get insight in the underlying reason for the fear and they will help you increase your courage.
Flower Essences are a very natural and safe way of healing. They have no side effects and can easily be integrated into any program of care as they do not interfere with other forms of treatments.
My inventory of essences, either by growing the herb or flower or wild crafting native botanicals in this area, is expanding each season. Last summer 2022, Mustard was very prevalent and I believe it was presenting itself and calling for
it's use. I am very excited about this essence. Here is a link to read about Mustard Flower Essence from Bach's Flower Essence website.
2022 I began my Flower Essence Practitioner Training for certification with Alaskan Essences. My goal is to be certified next year in 2024. Until that time my essences are available to friends and family and not for the general public. In Fall 2023, I started my case studies for certification.
How To Use Flower Essence
Dr. Christiane Northrup MD
There are so many ways you can use flower essences both internally and externally.
The most common way to take a flower essence is to place a few drops under your tongue several times per day.
You can also add several drops to pure water and sip throughout the day.
Here are some other ways you can use flower essences:
*Apply to acupuncture points or chakras.
*Put several drops in your bath.
*Use as a spray or mist. (This is great for young children and even around
your house.)
*Dab them on minor cuts and scrapes
*Put a few drops in beauty products, shampoos, massage oils, and lotions.
*Rub them on your hands when giving healing treatments such as Reiki or
*Add to other herbal tinctures to augment the benefits.
*Put in your food. (When you do this, think of a theme, such as “calmness” and
then add drops of an essence to your food for a period of time when
you need to experience greater calming.)
There is really no wrong way to use flower essences. Just use your imagination.
This is an excerpt from one of my favorite Women's Health Wisdom Expert:
Dr. Christiane Northrup MD.

Wild Rose brewing in the sun for essence. These wild rose are from the bushes in my front yard.

My own inventory is growing. I am also purchasing essences from Alaskan Essences; flower, gem and environmental for certiication.