Pine Ridge Steading
Our Goats
We began our goat venture in the summer of 2009 when we purchased our first two Alpine does Flossy and Snowball, from Victor in Hackensack. That fall we purchased Lester an Alpine buck from a local goat farm to breed to the girls. I had been buying milk from locals for making my goat milk soap. It was getting harder to find enough as my business-from-home was growing and I had started selling wholesale. I had even resorted to buying dried goats milk, so I needed my own milking goats.
Times change and downsizing was inevitable and we no longer have our goats. I miss them...because everyone knows what fun they are!

Flossy & Snowball were our first goats that started us on our venture with milking and kids.

Early Fall of 2011 we purchased Dancer a 99% Boer from another local goat producer. We had decided to diversify, branch out to meat goats. We are extremely pleased with the cross. Dancer is very calm and we have virtually no birthing problems.